- Dancing is over; My heart is flier; I am a losser;Who is the winer? 在这种民族精神衰退面前,欧洲人的复兴之路是我们的镜子。
- Four teams will find out who is the winer in tonight's semi-final. 四个队将在今晚的半决赛中决一胜负。
- Dancing is over;My heart is flier;I am a loser;Who is the winer? 这个不知道是不是4月最后疯狂的信息?
- Who is the boy in the official school cap? 那个戴校帽的男孩是谁?
- Who is the winer? 心若冰清;天塌不惊.
- Who is the founder of the scientific socialism? 谁是科学社会主义的奠基人?
- Who is the policy maker in this company? 这家公司里谁是决策者?
- Who is the contractor on the new motorway? 谁是这条新公路的承包商?
- Who is the controller of this building? 谁是这栋楼的管理人?
- Do you know who is the creator of the electric bulb? 你知道谁是电灯的发明者?
- Do you know who is the foremost writer in the English language? 你知道谁是最重要的英语作家吗?
- It is the great who is assailed by envy. 正是大人物才受到嫉妒的中伤。
- He is the wise man who is the honest man. 正直的人就是有见识的人。
- Who is the woman in the black hat? 戴黑帽子的那个女的是谁?
- Who is the man in tweeds over there? 那儿穿花呢衣服的男子是谁?
- Who is the owner of that motorcycle? 谁是那辆摩托车的主人?
- Who is the Prime Minister of Britain? 英国的首相是谁?
- Who is the composer of this song? 这首歌的作者是谁?
- Who is the most popular novelist in China? 谁是中国最受欢迎的小说家?
- Who is the author most frequently quoted from? 哪个作家的话被人摘引得最多?